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AT&T Retirees Petition To Randall Stephenson April 24, 2015 AT$T Shareholder Meeting In Spokane, Washington

April 24, 2015

Mr. Randall Stephenson, CEO AT&T Corp:

AT&T terminated their long standing group supplemental healthcare coverage for Medicare eligible retirees and their Medicare eligible spouses on December 31, 2014. AT&T provided HealthCare Reimbursement Accounts (HRA) for 2015 totaling $4,200, $2,700 for a retiree and $1,500 for a spouse, to offset the higher cost of these individual plans. Current retirees and spouses were coerced to enroll in individual supplemental health insurance plans and/or Rx plans through a private AON Retiree Health Exchange, or lose their HRA monies. Also, AT&T can unilaterally terminate the HRA accounts at any time. Callously, AT&T refuses to commit to funding these current retiree HRA accounts beyond 2015.

During ongoing contract negotiations, AT&T refused to negotiate with the Communications Workers of America (CWA) for current retiree benefits. Unlike previous AT&T CEO’s, Randall Stephenson has refused to allow his management bargaining team(s) to negotiate with the union(s) over current retirees benefits such as ever rising healthcare costs and pension increases to help minimize these constantly rising healthcare costs. Why because he can as he hides behind the law. However, he can voluntarily allow his bargaining team(s) to negotiate these critical retiree issues, but he heartlessly refuses to do so.

Welcome to the “Golden Years” as a retiree of AT&T, the widow stock and darling for retirees and income investors. The sixteenth (16) most profitable corporation in the world and a CEO who received $23,247,167 in total compensation in 2013. By comparison, the average worker made $35,239 in 2013. Mr. Stephenson made 660 times the average worker’s pay.  A CEO, who when he retires, won’t have to worry about his families healthcare costs because they are guaranteed free coverage for life.

Retirees built AT&T. They paved the way for the generations of workers that followed in their footsteps to make AT&T as successful as it is today. “Corporate executives should do more to assure that former employees who built the company have quality, affordable health care, and don’t flounder in unilateral, drastic and unprecedented increases.”


Steve Tisza, President
CWA Local 4250/CTU #16 Retired Members’ Chapter #210


Attached is my petition containing the Name, City, State, Zip Code and Comments from 6,932 retirees from every State in the USA who disagree with your coldhearted actions.


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