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Public Service Announcement NBC Refused to Air On April 24, 2002

CWA Locals 4250 and 4998 produced this (30) thirty-second public service announcement regarding AT$T’s training of foreign nationals and its potential threat to Homeland Security. Commercial time was purchased and the video was scheduled to air on the Chicago affiliate of the NBC Good Morning America Show on April 24, 2002 and run until May 11, 2002. On April 18, 2002, AT$T Vice President Christopher O’Flynn faxed Local 4250 President Tisza a thinly veiled threat of legal action should the commercial spot air. O’Flynn’s letter said running the commercial; “will cause AT&T substantial harm if broadcast.” Because of obvious pressure from AT$T, NBC news officials caved in and pulled the 30 second commercial at the very last minute. VIEW the Public Service Announcement NBC Refused to Air By Clicking Arrow On The Bottom Left On The Video Above.

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